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  4. National Cord Blood Inventory Contract Summary (NCBI)

National Cord Blood Inventory Contract Summary (NCBI)

The National Cord Blood Inventory (NCBI) is included in the Stem Cell Therapeutic and Research Act of 2005, Public Law 109-129, and as amended.

Each year HRSA contracts with cord blood banks to collect, store and maintain cord blood units for the National Cord Blood Inventory. HRSA currently contracts with 5 cord blood banks to collect high-quality, genetically diverse, cord blood units.

The cord blood banks are:

  • Bloodworks Northwest
  • Carolinas Cord Blood Bank at Duke University Medical Center
  • Cleveland Cord Blood Center
  • LifeSouth Community Blood Centers
  • MD Anderson Cord Blood Bank

HRSA prioritizes cord blood banks that have biological license agreements with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the demonstrated capability to collect and bank genetically diverse cord blood units.

Some cord blood units collected by the contractors may be available for research studies. Research studies are intended to help improve patient outcomes.

In 2024 HRSA awarded a total of $16.5 million to cord blood banks, and in 2023 HRSA awarded a total of $18.3 million.

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