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Single Point of Access - Coordinating Center (SPA-CC) Contract Summary

The functions of the single point of access, bone marrow coordinating center, and cord blood coordinating center are combined to form the Single Point of Access-Coordinating Center (SPA-CC) contract.

The contractor for the SPA-CC contract will:

  • Establish and maintain an electronic single point of access health care providers to search for adult bone marrow donors and cord blood units that are suitably matched to their patients
  • Establish a system for identifying, ranking, matching, and facilitating the distribution of donated cord blood units and adult bone marrow
  • Provide information and education activities for the recruitment of volunteer adult bone marrow donors and mothers of donors of cord blood units, giving priority to increasing underrepresented populations and considering racial and ethnic minority groups
  • Facilitate tissue typing and infectious disease marker testing of adult bone marrow donors and cord blood units
  • Facilitate bone marrow and cord blood unit transplants
  • Facilitate the collection, verification, and analyses of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) data from unrelated bone marrow and cord blood units and ensure such information is adequately displayed for physician searches on behalf of patients
  • Support and expand new and existing studies and demonstration and outreach projects for the purpose of increasing bone marrow and cord blood unit donation and collection
  • Coordinate with transplant centers, donor centers, cord blood banks, and apheresis centers to support informational and educational activities
  • Provide information to physicians, other health care professionals, and the public regarding bone marrow and cord blood transplants from donors as a treatment option
  • Certify that National Cord Blood Inventory (NCBI) cord blood units meet eligibility criteria for HRSA funding

SPA-CC standards & measurements

Monitoring the performance of the CWBYCTP against specific standards is key to helping more patients have a successful bone marrow or umbilical cord blood transplant.

Performance standards for the SPA-CC include:

  • Search and distribution process that helps health care professionals and physicians, searching on behalf of patients, to:
    • Search electronically for donated cord blood units or adult bone marrow donors that are suitably matched to the patient
    • Select the best donors from a rank-order list and reserve the adult donors or cord blood units for the patient
    • View reports on the status of cord blood unit and adult donors, corrected problems in the search process, cord blood units, or with adult donors, and removals of cord blood units or names of adult donors that are no longer acceptable or medically eligible for transplant
  • Increasing the number of unrelated potential donors and cord blood units on the CWBYCTP registry by:
    • Carrying out informational and educational activities for the recruitment of volunteer adult bone marrow donors and mothers of donors of cord blood units
    • Giving priority to increasing and reporting the numbers of potential bone marrow donors and cord blood units collected from underrepresented donor populations and racial and ethnic minority groups
    • Using different platforms to increase the chance that potential donors will be available to donate, if requested
    • Providing information to physicians, other health care professionals, and the public regarding bone marrow and cord blood transplants from donors as a treatment option
  • Increasing the number of bone marrow and cord blood transplants performed; this includes reporting the numbers of transplants performed for patients from underrepresented donor populations and racial and ethnic minority groups
  • Adult volunteer donor advocacy support, safety, and donation in the form of:
    • Providing donor advocacy and case management support for adult donors who have been identified as a possible match for physicians searching on behalf of patients; a donor satisfaction survey will be used to obtain feedback and improve services
    • Recording, tracking, and reporting any complications or adverse events associated with donations, donation recovery, and cord blood collections and infusions

The SPA-CC contractor regularly reports performance measurements to HRSA.

SPA-CC contractor

Learn how this organization is fulfilling its contract.

NMDPSM registry

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